
A Adam, M Perera, N Lawrentschuk
Transurethral guidewire-loop for manipulation and extraction of stent (TUG-ME) – a novel, innovative, video endoscopic technique in ureteral stent removal
Current Urology. 2022, In press

This study introduces the TransUrethral Guidewire loop for Manipulation and Extraction (TUG-ME) method, a novel technique for ureteral stent removal.

TUG-ME was evaluated for its feasibility, cost-effectiveness, operative time, and complication rates. The method was successfully performed in all cases, predominantly under local anesthesia, with a procedure time of less than 27 seconds and no significant complications.

This innovative technique offers a simple and cost-effective alternative to conventional ureteral stent removal methods, demonstrating potential advantages in various clinical settings.

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Dr. Marlon Perera

Dr. Marlon Perera

Dr. Marlon Perera is an Australian-trained, award-winning urology surgeon who specialises in robotic surgery and uro-oncology. Dr. Perera has worldwide experience, having completed a PhD (Urology) and a prized-accredited ‘Society of Urologic Oncology’ (SUO) fellowship at one of the world’s best and most prestigious cancer centres – Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. He provides comprehensive care in the treatment of prostate cancer, kidney masses and cancers, bladder cancer, kidney stones, and voiding dysfunction.

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