Dr. Perera is an award-winning urologic surgeon.

Awards • Research • Publications

Research awards and prizes

2023 Clinical Research Award Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York

2023 Clinical Research Award Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York

During his tenure at Memorial Sloan Kettering, Dr. Marlon Perera was awarded the Clinical Research award, for most outstanding research contribution in 2022/2023. Such research included contributions to prostate, kidney and bladder cancer treatment and knowledge.
2022 Fulbright Scholarship Australian-American Fulbright Association

2022 Fulbright Scholarship Australian-American Fulbright Association

Dr. Perera was awarded a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship, to support his research endeavours at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Dr Perera became the first urologist in Australasia to be awarded a Fulbright Scholarship.
2017 Villis Marshal Award

2017 Villis Marshal Award

Dr. Perera was awarded the most-prized research award at the 2017 USANZ conference, the “Villis Marshall Award”. This is awarded to the trainee that completed the best basic science or epidemiologic research during training.
RACS Medical Research Scholarship

2016 RACS Francis & Phyllis Mary Thornell-Shore Medical Research Scholarship

Dr. Perera was awarded the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) Francis & Phyllis Mary Thornell-Shore Medical Research Scholarship supports surgeons and Trainees who wish to take time away from clinical positions to undertake a research project with a focus on medical research.
Dr Perera Awards Research

Dr. Perera is a leader in urologic cancer research.

With over 160 scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals, Dr. Perera is enthusiastic about innovating and improving urologic care through research. He has been cited over 4000 times and has published articles that have contributed to changes in guidelines and regulatory approvals.

Other scholarships and grants


  • 2020: Winner of the inaugural “Daniel Christidis Scholarship”: For outstanding contribution to the advancement of Urology. Awarded by: Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ)

  • 2017: Research Scholarship awarded, but declined due to clinical appointment: Foundation for Surgery Herbert & Gloria Kees Scholarship. Awarded by: Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)

  • 2012: Academic Scholarship: Armstrong Scholarship, Awarded by Ormond College, University of Melbourne

Research grants

  • 2025: Epworth Research Grant
  • 2021: Research Grant: Western Health, Surgical Department. Awarded through Western Healt

  • 2020: Travel Grant: IPSEN Travel Grant to represent USANZ at AUA Residents Bowl. Awarded through Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand

  • 2020: Travel Grant: Societe Internationale d’Urologie Annual Scientific Meeting. Awarded by Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

  • 2019: Travel Grant: Mundipharma Education Grant 2019. Awarded through Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand

  • 2017: Travel Grant: Societe Internationale d’Urologie  Annual Scientific Meeting. Awarded by Societe Internationale d’Urologie, Lisbon, Portugal 2017

  • 2017: Research Grant: Awarded by Australasian Urological Fund (AUF)

  • 2017: Research Grant: Awarded by Austin Health Research Fund

  • 2017: Travel Grant: American Urology Association ASM, Boston, USA 2017. Awarded by Ipsen Travel Grant

  • 2016: Travel Grant: ANZUP/Bayer Travel Fellowship, Awarded by ANZUP Cancer Trials Group

Prizes and awards

  1. 2023: “Alavi-Mandell Award” for best research by Upcoming physician, awarded by Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging and Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Impact Factor 11.1)

  2. 2023: “Best Reviewer 2022” awarded by Journal or Urology (Impact Factor 7.641)

  3. 2023: Nominated as “Emerging Leader in Urology” by Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (Nature) (Impact Factor 5.554).

  4. 2021: Most cited article in European Urology 2020 (Impact factor 17.83): M Perera, N Papa, M Roberts, M Williams, C Udovicic, D Christidis, M Hofman, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk, D Murphy, “Gallium-68 prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography in advanced prostate cancer – updated diagnostic utility, sensitivity, specificity and distribution of prostate specific membrane antigen avid-lesions: A systematic review and meta-analysis”

  5. 2018: Winner “Frank Gardiner Prize 2018”: M Perera, N Papa, M Williams, M Roberts, D Murphy, N Lawrentschuk. “Updated systematic review and meta-analysis of PSMA PET CT in advanced prostate cancer”. Awarded by USANZ Northern Section

  6. 2018: “BJUI best of Australia and New Zealand 2018”:  B Ngo, M Perera, N Papa, D Bolton, S Sengupta. “Factors affecting the timeliness and adequacy of haematuria assessment in bladder cancer: A systematic review”.

  7. 2018: “BJUI best of Australia and New Zealand 2018”:  B Ngo, N Papa, M Perera, D Bolton, S Sengupta. “Predictors of delay to cystoscopy and adequacy of investigations in patients with haematuria”.

  8. 2018: Finalist “Keith Kirkland Prize”: M Perera, J Kevric, N Papa, P Rashid, S Toshniwal. “Poor employment conditions adversely affect mental health outcomes among surgical trainees”. Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand 2018, Melbourne, Australia

  9. 2017: Co-author of “Hernia award”: J Kevric, N Papa, S Toshniwal, M Perera. “Fifteen-year groin hernia trends in Australia”: General Surgery Association Annual congree, Canberra, ACT, Aus

  10. 2017: Co-author of “Medtronic Prize”: J Kevric, N Papa, M Perera, P Rashid, S Toshniwal. “Poor employment conditions adversely affect mental health outcomes among surgical trainees”: General Surgery Registrar’s Paper Day,  Adelaide, SA, Aus.

  11. 2017: Finalist in “Keith Kirkland Prize”: M Perera, N Papa, D Christidis, D Wetherell, M Hofman, D Murphy, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk. “Sensitivity, specificity and predictors of positive 68Ga-PSMA PET in advanced prostate cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis”: USANZ National ASM 2017, Canberra, ACT, Aus.

  12. 2016: Co-author of “Best research project”. T Manning, N Papa, M Perera, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk. “Laparoscopic lens fogging: A modelled perspective and preventative measures in standard and robotic laparoscopes”: Austin Health Surgical research prize 2016, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

  13. 2016: Winner of “RC Bennett Medal” for best laboratory-based project. M Perera, J Ischia, G Baldwin, A Shulkes, D Bolton, O Patel. “ Reno-protective role of zinc preconditioning against radiographic contrast-media induced nephrotoxicity”: RACS Victorian State Meeting 2016, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.  Awarded by Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)

  14. 2016: Winner of “Trophy for best research presentation”. M Perera, N Papa, D Christidis, D Wetherell, M Hofman, D Murphy, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk. “Sensitivity, specificity and predictors of positive 68Ga-PSMA PET in advanced prostate cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis”: USANZ Victorian State Meeting 2016, Torquay, Victoria, Australia. Awarded by USANZ

  15. 2016: Co-author of “Best research poster”. B Ngo, N Papa, M Perera, S Sengupta. “Factors affecting the timeliness of haematuria assessment”:  USANZ Victorian State Meeting 2016, Torquay, Victoria, Australia

  16. 2016: Finalist in “Best of the Best abstracts”. ML Perera, D Chrisitidis, J Ischia, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk. “National trends in diagnosis of renal tumours: Are we listening?”: SIU Annual Congress 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  17. 2016: “Best of the Best abstracts”. ML Perera, D Chrisitidis, J Ischia, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk. “Australian trends in percutaneous renal biopsy: the evolving diagnostic pathway for the small renal mass?”: ANZUP ASM 2016, Brisbane, Australia.

  18. 2016: Finalist in “Keith Kirkland Prize”. ML Perera, P Divakumar, M Roberts, E Chung. “Randomized trial comparing suture techniques and types of urinary catheters in vesicourethral anastomotic tensile strength: A Porcine model”: USANZ National ASM 2016, Gold Coast, QLD, Aus.

  19. 2013: Finalist in “Best of the Best Podium abstracts”. ML Perera, N Lawrentschuk, DM Bolton, D Clouston. “Prostate cancer in TURP specimens in men up to 65 years of age”: USANZ National ASM 2013, Melbourne, Vic, Aus

  20. 2012: Runner-up Kendall Francis Prize.  ML Perera, A Davies, P Ritchie, STF Chan. “Early results following the implementation of the National Emergency Access Targets: A single institutions experience”:  Western Health Research Week 2012, Melbourne, Vic, Aus

Perera Urology
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