Dr. Perera is an award-winning urologic surgeon.
Awards • Research • Publications
Research awards and prizes

2023 Clinical Research Award Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York

2022 Fulbright Scholarship Australian-American Fulbright Association

2017 Villis Marshal Award

2016 RACS Francis & Phyllis Mary Thornell-Shore Medical Research Scholarship

Dr. Perera is a leader in urologic cancer research.
Other scholarships and grants
2020: Winner of the inaugural “Daniel Christidis Scholarship”: For outstanding contribution to the advancement of Urology. Awarded by: Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ)
2017: Research Scholarship awarded, but declined due to clinical appointment: Foundation for Surgery Herbert & Gloria Kees Scholarship. Awarded by: Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)
2012: Academic Scholarship: Armstrong Scholarship, Awarded by Ormond College, University of Melbourne
Research grants
- 2025: Epworth Research Grant
2021: Research Grant: Western Health, Surgical Department. Awarded through Western Healt
2020: Travel Grant: IPSEN Travel Grant to represent USANZ at AUA Residents Bowl. Awarded through Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand
2020: Travel Grant: Societe Internationale d’Urologie Annual Scientific Meeting. Awarded by Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
2019: Travel Grant: Mundipharma Education Grant 2019. Awarded through Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand
2017: Travel Grant: Societe Internationale d’Urologie Annual Scientific Meeting. Awarded by Societe Internationale d’Urologie, Lisbon, Portugal 2017
2017: Research Grant: Awarded by Australasian Urological Fund (AUF)
2017: Research Grant: Awarded by Austin Health Research Fund
2017: Travel Grant: American Urology Association ASM, Boston, USA 2017. Awarded by Ipsen Travel Grant
2016: Travel Grant: ANZUP/Bayer Travel Fellowship, Awarded by ANZUP Cancer Trials Group
Prizes and awards
2023: “Alavi-Mandell Award” for best research by Upcoming physician, awarded by Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging and Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Impact Factor 11.1)
2023: “Best Reviewer 2022” awarded by Journal or Urology (Impact Factor 7.641)
2023: Nominated as “Emerging Leader in Urology” by Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (Nature) (Impact Factor 5.554).
2021: Most cited article in European Urology 2020 (Impact factor 17.83): M Perera, N Papa, M Roberts, M Williams, C Udovicic, D Christidis, M Hofman, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk, D Murphy, “Gallium-68 prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography in advanced prostate cancer – updated diagnostic utility, sensitivity, specificity and distribution of prostate specific membrane antigen avid-lesions: A systematic review and meta-analysis”
2018: Winner “Frank Gardiner Prize 2018”: M Perera, N Papa, M Williams, M Roberts, D Murphy, N Lawrentschuk. “Updated systematic review and meta-analysis of PSMA PET CT in advanced prostate cancer”. Awarded by USANZ Northern Section
2018: “BJUI best of Australia and New Zealand 2018”: B Ngo, M Perera, N Papa, D Bolton, S Sengupta. “Factors affecting the timeliness and adequacy of haematuria assessment in bladder cancer: A systematic review”.
2018: “BJUI best of Australia and New Zealand 2018”: B Ngo, N Papa, M Perera, D Bolton, S Sengupta. “Predictors of delay to cystoscopy and adequacy of investigations in patients with haematuria”.
2018: Finalist “Keith Kirkland Prize”: M Perera, J Kevric, N Papa, P Rashid, S Toshniwal. “Poor employment conditions adversely affect mental health outcomes among surgical trainees”. Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand 2018, Melbourne, Australia
2017: Co-author of “Hernia award”: J Kevric, N Papa, S Toshniwal, M Perera. “Fifteen-year groin hernia trends in Australia”: General Surgery Association Annual congree, Canberra, ACT, Aus
2017: Co-author of “Medtronic Prize”: J Kevric, N Papa, M Perera, P Rashid, S Toshniwal. “Poor employment conditions adversely affect mental health outcomes among surgical trainees”: General Surgery Registrar’s Paper Day, Adelaide, SA, Aus.
2017: Finalist in “Keith Kirkland Prize”: M Perera, N Papa, D Christidis, D Wetherell, M Hofman, D Murphy, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk. “Sensitivity, specificity and predictors of positive 68Ga-PSMA PET in advanced prostate cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis”: USANZ National ASM 2017, Canberra, ACT, Aus.
2016: Co-author of “Best research project”. T Manning, N Papa, M Perera, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk. “Laparoscopic lens fogging: A modelled perspective and preventative measures in standard and robotic laparoscopes”: Austin Health Surgical research prize 2016, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
2016: Winner of “RC Bennett Medal” for best laboratory-based project. M Perera, J Ischia, G Baldwin, A Shulkes, D Bolton, O Patel. “ Reno-protective role of zinc preconditioning against radiographic contrast-media induced nephrotoxicity”: RACS Victorian State Meeting 2016, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Awarded by Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)
2016: Winner of “Trophy for best research presentation”. M Perera, N Papa, D Christidis, D Wetherell, M Hofman, D Murphy, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk. “Sensitivity, specificity and predictors of positive 68Ga-PSMA PET in advanced prostate cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis”: USANZ Victorian State Meeting 2016, Torquay, Victoria, Australia. Awarded by USANZ
2016: Co-author of “Best research poster”. B Ngo, N Papa, M Perera, S Sengupta. “Factors affecting the timeliness of haematuria assessment”: USANZ Victorian State Meeting 2016, Torquay, Victoria, Australia
2016: Finalist in “Best of the Best abstracts”. ML Perera, D Chrisitidis, J Ischia, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk. “National trends in diagnosis of renal tumours: Are we listening?”: SIU Annual Congress 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2016: “Best of the Best abstracts”. ML Perera, D Chrisitidis, J Ischia, D Bolton, N Lawrentschuk. “Australian trends in percutaneous renal biopsy: the evolving diagnostic pathway for the small renal mass?”: ANZUP ASM 2016, Brisbane, Australia.
2016: Finalist in “Keith Kirkland Prize”. ML Perera, P Divakumar, M Roberts, E Chung. “Randomized trial comparing suture techniques and types of urinary catheters in vesicourethral anastomotic tensile strength: A Porcine model”: USANZ National ASM 2016, Gold Coast, QLD, Aus.
2013: Finalist in “Best of the Best Podium abstracts”. ML Perera, N Lawrentschuk, DM Bolton, D Clouston. “Prostate cancer in TURP specimens in men up to 65 years of age”: USANZ National ASM 2013, Melbourne, Vic, Aus
2012: Runner-up Kendall Francis Prize. ML Perera, A Davies, P Ritchie, STF Chan. “Early results following the implementation of the National Emergency Access Targets: A single institutions experience”: Western Health Research Week 2012, Melbourne, Vic, Aus